Morristown Weather Forecast for Thursday, April 28 - Monday, May 2


A high of 57° today (4/27/2022) and mostly cloudy throughout. Read on for a complete five day weather forecast for Morristown, NJ


Weather outlook for Thursday, April 28 - Monday, May 2

Thursday, April 28

A beautiful day! High-30s to mid-50s. Clear throughout the day. Warmest part of the day is 4PM.

High: 54° Low: 37° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 13 mph winds from the NW.

Friday, April 29

Clear throughout the day. Temperatures in the high-30s to low-60s. Warmest part of the day is around 4PM.

High: 62° Low: 40° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 11 mph winds from the NW.

Saturday, April 30

Clear throughout the day. Maybe some cloud cover around mid to late afternoon. Warmest part of the day is around 4PM.

High: 66° Low: 42° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 7 mph winds from the NW.

Sunday, May 1

Clear skies in the AM, partly cloudy throughout the afternoon. Warmest part of the day is around 2PM.

High: 67° Low: 41° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 5 mph winds from the SSE.

Monday, May 2

Rain until evening; most likely from about 8AM - 7PM. Warmest part of the day is around 2PM.

High: 53° Low: 46° with a 92% chance of rain with 6 mph winds from the E.

There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.

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