Your Morristown Weather Forecast for Saturday, May 14 - Wednesday, May 18


A rainy morning Friday followed by overcast and humidity. Read on for your local weather forecast for Morristown, NJ from Saturday, May 14 to Wednesday, May 18.


Weather outlook for Saturday, May 14 - Wednesday, May 18

Saturday, May 14

Possible light rain in the afternoon and evening. 

Overcast throughout the day, reaching a high around 70 degrees by 2 PM. 

A mild day with low winds and high humidity.

High: 71° Low: 60° with a 65% chance of rain with 4 mph winds from the SE.

Sunday, May 15

Mostly cloudy throughout the day. Potential for a few drizzles, but unlikely. 

Another mild day, wind gusts may pick up in the mid to late afternoon.

High humidity, reaching a high temperature (80 degrees) around 4 PM, with a UV index of 5 - wear your sunscreen!

High: 80° Low: 62° with a 48% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the SSW.

Monday, May 16

Rain in the afternoon and evening from around 6 PM to 8 PM, with heavy cloud cover throughout the day.

Reaching the high temperature of around 80 degrees by 2 PM with a UV index of 5 between noon and 2 PM.

Potential for wind gust in the 20mph zone around 6 PM.

High: 79° Low: 55° with a 70% chance of rain with 6 mph winds from the WSW.

Tuesday, May 17

Clear throughout the day and no rain in the forecast. High humidity.

The warmest part of the day is around 4 PM, with a UV index of 7 from noon to 2 PM - wear sunscreen!

Potential for high wind gusts in the mid-20mph throughout the day.

High: 75° Low: 53° with a 2% chance of precipitation with 9 mph winds from the WNW.

Wednesday, May 18

Partly cloudy throughout the day, with cloud cover increasing into the late-night hours.

The warmest part of the day is around 4 PM, with a UV index of 6 from noon to 2 PM - sunscreen recommended! (it certainly feels like summer!)

Humid early morning, but decreases through the day. Relatively mild day, with wind gusts in the low double digits.

High: 73° Low: 55° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 6 mph winds from the WNW.

There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.

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