
Phoenix Drive and Knollwood Drive Road Improvements, Mendham Borough

From Boswell Engineering & The Borough of Mendham, NJ - 

On or about Tuesday, July 30, 2024, or Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (weather permitting), construction will commence on the above-referenced project. The work to be performed under this contract includes spot repairs to the sidewalk, curb, Belgian block curb, and driveway aprons. ADA ramps will be constructed to conform to the new standards. The roadways will also be milled and paved at a later date. This work is funded by an NJ DOT Grant and the Borough of Mendham.

The limits of the project are Phoenix Drive from Mountain Avenue to Florie Farm Road and Knollwood Drive from Dean Road to the end.

Homeowners might experience delays. 'No Parking' and construction/detour signs will be posted along the roadway at least 24 hours prior to the start of the project. Please keep in mind that inclement weather will delay construction. Access to the street will be limited from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on construction days. Every effort will be made to ensure that inconveniences are minimal, and all work will be completed as quickly as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience due to the construction activities and appreciate your cooperation.

Any questions or specific concerns can be addressed by contacting Anthony Paiano at (609) 865-0447

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