New Jersey Races for America’s 250th Anniversary


State Hosts Series of 5K Runs and Family Fun Walks at Historic Sites Around New Jersey

NEW JERSEY - In anticipation of America's 250th anniversary in 2026, New Jersey is preparing to commemorate the event with a series of engaging activities. RevolutionNJ, the official partnership between the New Jersey Historical Commission and the nonprofit Crossroads of the American Revolution, is organizing a series of 5K races and one-mile family fun walks at various historic sites throughout the state.

The first event in the series will take place on August 10th at Monmouth Battlefield State Park, a significant site of the American Revolution known for hosting one of its longest battles. Participants in the 5K race will receive a t-shirt, a commemorative magnet, and a finisher’s medal, with awards given to the top three runners in each ten-year age category.

For those not interested in running, the one-mile family fun walk offers a leisurely alternative. Participants in the walk will also receive a t-shirt and commemorative magnet and can enjoy unique historical activities at each site.

“I hope all New Jerseyans will take advantage of this fun opportunity to learn about our past while enjoying New Jersey’s wonderful parks and historical areas,” said Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way who oversees the New Jersey Historical Commission in her role as New Jersey’s Secretary of State.

The series will continue at Princeton Battlefield State Park on September 8th, East Jersey Old Town Village on October 13th, and Historic Greenwich Township on November 9th. Those who participate in all four races will earn a special commemorative medal.

“The RevolutionNJ Race Series is one of the many ways that RevolutionNJ is fostering a multigenerational commemoration of the 250th,” said Sara Cureton, executive director of the New Jersey Historical Commission. “We hope everyone finds a place in the festivities, whether they are an avid historian, recreational runner, or a family looking for ways to get outside on the weekend.”

For more details and registration information, visit the RevolutionNJ Race Series website at

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