Morris Township Environmental Commission Launches Plastic Wall Art Contest for Students


Local students in grades 3-8 challenged to create impactful art on the perils of single-use plastics, with winners to be showcased township-wide.

Morris Township, NJ — In a creative stride toward environmental awareness, the Morris Township Environmental Commission (EC) has announced a unique contest inviting local students to engage artistically with the issue of single-use plastics. The contest, open to students attending schools or being homeschooled in Morris Township or Morristown, grades 3 through 8, aims to foster a community-wide dialogue on reducing plastic waste through artistic expression.

Participants are tasked with creating wall hangings that not only depict the problems associated with single-use plastics but also propose actionable solutions. These art pieces must adhere to the size limit of 40 inches by 40 inches and should be submitted through a designated EC Google Form by December 20, 2024. For entry forms and detailed submission guidelines, students and educators can visit Morris Township EC Art Contest Form.

Entries will be evaluated based on a specific rubric, accessible here, which will consider various artistic and educational criteria. Winners, selected by grade, will be announced around January 20, 2025, and their art will be displayed prominently in the Township Municipal Building and other public venues associated with the EC.

The EC encourages schools to use the contest as a platform to educate students about environmental responsibility and the global impact of plastic pollution. Additionally, the commission expressed interest in visiting schools to observe and discuss the art-making process, hoping to further inspire students and school communities to think critically about their environmental impact.

This contest not only highlights the talents of young Morris Township residents but also aligns with broader environmental goals by educating the community about sustainable practices. Schools interested in participating are urged to integrate this contest into their curriculum and inform the EC of their interest in a visit, enhancing the educational experience and community involvement.

As Morris Township students pick up their art supplies to tackle this significant environmental issue, the anticipation grows not only for the artistic outcomes but for the potential real-world impact these young minds can provoke through their creativity and awareness.

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