Your Morristown Weather Forecast for Sunday, May 8 - Thursday, May 12


We've had all-day rain for what might feel like a week, but has really been two days. It'll rain all day today, Saturday, 5/7, leading to a sprinkle by around 2 PM and trailing off throughout the rest of the day.

Luckily, the rain should clear up by Monday, after which temperatures will rise and we may even hit over 80 degrees by Thursday!


Weather outlook for Sunday, May 8 - Thursday, May 12

Sunday, May 8

Mostly cloudy throughout the day with the highest chance for rain in the early morning hours. Potential for wind gusts up to 34 mph, and high humidity throughout the day.

The warmest part of the day looks to be 4 PM when we may hit a high around 55 degrees.

High: 55° Low: 43° with a 78% chance of rain with 12 mph winds from the NE.

Monday, May 9

Clear throughout the day, no rain expected. Reaching the highest temperatures around 4 PM ~67 degrees for a high. Wear sunscreen, a UV index of 7 - high - from noon to 2 PM.

Once again, wind gusts of up to 33 mph are possible in the early morning hours.

High: 67° Low: 44° with a 2% chance of rain with 11 mph winds from the NE.

Tuesday, May 10

Clear throughout the day, zero percent chance of rain, as of 5/7. Wind gusts up to 33 mph are possible in the morning.

The warmest part of the day will come around 2 PM when we may reach a high in the low seventies or high sixties. Wear sunscreen, a UV index of 7 - high - from noon to 2 PM.

Tuesday looks like a beautiful day!

High: 72° Low: 44° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 9 mph winds from the NE.

Wednesday, May 11

Clear throughout the day, zero percent chance of rain as of 5/7. Another beautiful day with a high of 73 degrees, reaching high temperatures around 2 PM.

Potential for wind gusts up to 29 mph before 8 AM.

Wear your sunscreen! A UV index of 8 - extremely high - from noon to 2 PM.

High: 73° Low: 50° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 6 mph winds from the ENE.

Thursday, May 12

Clear throughout the day, maybe some light cloud cover moving in and out. A zero percent chance of rain as of 5/7. 

The warmest day in our 5-day forecast. Reaching a high of 82 degrees by 4 PM. 

Mild day, the wind shouldn't be a problem. Extreme humidity in the early morning and night.

Wear your sunscreen! A UV index of 6-7 - high - from noon to 2 PM.

High: 82° Low: 57° with a 0% chance of precipitation with 4 mph winds from the E.

There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.

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