Help Wanted

Auditing Services Needed, Housing Authority of Morristown

From the Housing Authority of the Town of Morristown

The Housing Authority of the Town of Morristown, New Jersey, seeks proposals from qualified firms to perform auditing Services in all financial matters that may arise in connection with its business and management including its affiliate, the non-profit 501c3 the Morristown Community Development Corporation (MCDC). The Housing Authority seeks an experienced firm with a demonstrated successful track record in providing auditing services for public housing authorities in New Jersey. All audit services must be provided in accordance with the existing rules, orders, directives, and regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), including the HUD Accounting Handbook, Financial Management Handbook, HUD Audit Guidelines, the Annual Contributions Contract, and Asset Based Management. The Audit shall also be performed in accordance with Circular OMB A-133. Proposals must demonstrate capacity and readiness to perform the required services immediately upon execution of a contract with the Housing Authority. The contract term is anticipated to be one year with options to renew, at the Authority’s election and by Board approval, contingent upon availability of funds and appropriations.

Interested and qualified individuals and firms are invited to obtain a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) by submitting an email request to or download it from our website, An electronic proposal must be submitted and received via email to, no later than 3:00 PM (EST) on September 20, 2024. The proposal must be titled with the words “Auditing Services RFP #24-001”.

For more information, click here.

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