
Monmouth County Physician Indicted on Child Sexual Assault Charges Agrees to Surrender Medical License

Dr. Cornelius Gallagher, a pulmonologist facing multiple criminal charges related to alleged sexual abuse, agrees to cease practicing medicine as the legal process unfolds.

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Consumer Affairs announced today that the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners has secured a voluntary license surrender from Cornelius Gallagher, a Monmouth County pulmonologist, following his indictment on child sexual assault charges. Gallagher faces two counts of first-degree aggravated sexual assault, two counts of second-degree sexual assault, and one count of third-degree child endangerment related to possession of child pornography.

Gallagher, who was arrested by Wall Township Police in July 2023, allegedly began abusing the victim in 2004, when the child was under 13, continuing the abuse for over a decade. The charges are not connected to Gallagher’s medical practice or any patient interactions.

The sexual exploitation of a child, as is alleged here, is one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed. When a physician is facing these types of charges, the action taken by the Board is not only appropriate, but necessary,” said Attorney General Platkin.Until these charges are resolved, public protection demands that he remain out of practice and have no contact with patients.”

The alleged conduct of this doctor, if proven, would demonstrate a callous victimization of a vulnerable child that violates the most basic standards to which we hold medical professionals,” said Cari Fais, Acting Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs.We thank the Board for securing the surrender of this doctor’s license in the face of these criminal charges.”

In an Interim Consent Order filed on September 9, 2024, Gallagher agreed to surrender his license, cease all patient care, and avoid entering his medical practice during business hours. The Order also prevents him from managing or influencing medical practices in the state, though he may collect accounts receivable for services rendered prior to the Order.

Patients who believe they have received medical treatment by an unlicensed or inadequately licensed provider or have been treated by a licensed professional in an inappropriate or unsafe manner can file an online complaint with the State Division of Consumer Affairs by visiting its website or by calling 1-800-242-5846 (toll-free within New Jersey) or 973-504-6200.

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