
Tap Water Takes on Salty Taste as Road Salt, Drought Affect New Jersey’s Waterways

Officials assure public that health-based water standards remain met, though sodium levels have risen.

NEW JERSEY – As winter weather conditions persist and New Jersey continues to experience lower-than-usual reservoir levels, residents might notice a saltier taste in their tap water. New Jersey American Water and state officials want to reassure the public that, despite this change in flavor, their water supply continues to meet all health-based primary drinking water standards.

Winter Road Salt and Ongoing Drought

State and local agencies, commercial property owners, and homeowners apply significant amounts of salt and brine to roads, parking lots, and sidewalks during snow and ice events to improve safety. Melting snow and ice then carry this salt runoff into rivers, reservoirs, and other sources of drinking water. Because these bodies of water are currently at reduced levels—a result of the statewide drought—the concentration of sodium and chloride from road salt is more pronounced, resulting in a salty or brackish taste from the tap.

“We are continuing to monitor water quality at the source and throughout our systems and can confirm that the water we’re providing to customers continues to meet primary drinking water quality standards,” said Ben Morris, Vice President of Operations, New Jersey American Water. “This issue is not unique to New Jersey American Water, but part of a larger statewide issue, as confirmed in our communications with the NJDEP. We will continue to work closely with our neighboring water systems and the NJDEP to keep our customers informed.”

Public Health Considerations

According to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), the elevated sodium and chloride levels caused by de-icing operations generally do not pose a major health concern for most individuals. Nonetheless, those with specific health conditions or those following sodium-restricted diets may wish to consult their healthcare providers for tailored guidance.

New Jersey American Water points out that these salty or brackish taste impacts typically diminish once winter road salt use tapers off and water levels normalize. Snow and ice melt usually decline as winter transitions into spring, meaning less salt is washed into waterways—and, in turn, less infiltration into drinking water sources.

Ongoing Efforts and Resources

  • Alternative De-icing Solutions: Various local road departments and the source water protection organizations in New Jersey are actively investigating less impactful methods for keeping roads safe during winter storms, aiming to reduce harm to local waterways.
  • Awareness: The New Jersey Watershed Watch Network provides education and resources about reducing de-icing salt’s environmental impact. More information can be found at
  • Safe Drinking Water: Despite heightened sodium levels, New Jersey American Water underscores that the water treatment processes remain robust, ensuring water distributed to homes meets and often surpasses legal drinking water standards.

As winter conditions and drought impacts vary, officials encourage residents to be mindful of road salt usage and the trickle-down effect it can have on local water supplies. Anyone with additional concerns about sodium intake is encouraged to speak with a healthcare professional, particularly if on a restricted sodium diet.

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