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Boating in NJ – Registering Your Boat in New Jersey

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Learn about titling and registering your vessel in NJ

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Boating in New Jersey? Your vessel may need to be titled and registered in order to operate it on NJ waterways. Just like having a vehicle, you need to go through the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) and carry your documentation with you when you operate the vessel. Read below for the requirements.

Also, the person that operates the boat or vessel, needs to have a Boat Safety Certificate. Get your NJ Boat Safety Certificate with Boat Safe US and be NASBLA certified as well! See our schedule at

TITLE: Does your vessel need to be titled? All boats longer than 12 feet, must be titled. To obtain a title, visit any motor vehicle agency and provide: Hull Identification Number (HIN), structural information, owner information or business number. Homemade boats or boats without a HIN will be assigned a number after a State Police Marine Services Bureau inspection.
The link for the MVC Title application is:

REGISTRATION: Does your vessel need to be registered? All titled boats and powered vessels, regardless of length, must be registered if they are to be used on New jersey waterways. You must show proof ownership and pay the applicable fees. You will be issued a registration card and a validation sticker for your vessel.
The link for the MVC Registration application is:

The following vessels are not required to be registered, as per the NJ MVC and NJSP:

  • Non-motorized inflatable devices, surfboards, racing shells, dinghies, canoes and kayaks.
  • Non-motorized vessels less than 12 feet in length.
  • Non-motorized vessels used exclusively on small lakes and ponds on private property.
  • Those not based in New Jersey or operating for less than 180 consecutive days.
  • Foreign vessels
  • U.S. public vessels
  • Ship's lifeboats/dinghy used solely for direct transportation between a vessel and shore.
  • Racing vessels with New Jersey State Marine Police permit.

How to display the Vessel identification Number: You will be assigned identification numbers for your vessel. They will consist of three parts, the first always being “NJ”. The second part will be a number, and the third part will be two letters.
For Example: NJ 9999 SH
Owners are required to paint or permanently attach the numbers on either side of the bow of the vessel. The characters must be:

  • a minimum of three inches in height
  • block letters
  • the color must contrast to the color of the vessel.
  • The three parts must be separated by a hyphen or a space equal to one character size
    (NJ 9999 SH or NJ-9999-SH)

Bottom line, this number identifies your boat, and it must be displayed for maximum visibility.

How to Display the Registration Validation Decal: Once registered, the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission will provide a validation decal and it needs to be place on each side of the vessel. The validation decal is placed three inches away from the registration number, towards the back of the vessel. Any expired decals must not be visible. Only display current, valid decals
See Captain Bob’s video regarding the Registration Validation Decal:

BOAT TRAILER: Do you need to register your boat trailer? A boat trailer (under 2,500 lbs) is considered a “non-conventional vehicle”. It must be registered but is exempt from titling. If a boat trailer weighs more than 2,500 lbs it must be titled.
For registration purposes, the boat trailer is in the “other non-commercial motor vehicles” category. See the NJ Motor Vehicles website for instructions for registering the trailer:

IMPORTANT!: Make sure you have all the necessary documents before going the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission. This includes, but is not limited to, your ID, NJ Boat Safety Certificate, the appropriate MVC form, title/proof of ownership, bill of sale, and form of payment. Always
check the MVC website for the up-to-date information:

For more information and for Boating Safety classes and exam that are NJ State Police Approved and NASBLA Certified, go to Our instructors will provide you with a fun-filled and educational look at Boat Safety in New Jersey. All of our instructors at Boat Safe US, LLC are certified and approved to instruct by the NJ State Police Marine Division and our course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA).

Register for your boat safety course at

NJSP Boating Safety Manual:

Boating Required Documents:

NASBLA Certified Boat Safety Class:

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