Governor Murphy Re-launches Governor’s Fellows Program to Boost Public Service Careers
Governor Phil Murphy has announced the re-launch of the Governor’s Fellows Program, a state employment initiative designed to attract and retain a diverse group of individuals interested in pursuing public service careers. The revamped program offers recent graduates and emerging professionals the chance to be hired into key policy and programmatic areas in support of the State's goals. This initiative aims to broaden the range of perspectives and diversity in New Jersey's state workforce.
Governor Murphy said, “This comprehensive, well-rounded, and innovative program will allow passionate people to make a difference in state government, specifically in roles that are tailored to their interests, skills, and experience. As we continue to build and support the workforce of the Next New Jersey, it is my honor to announce this program which will open the rewarding and enriching opportunity of public service to emerging professionals.”
The Governor’s Fellows Program will help build capacity in executive branch departments by focusing on policy areas such as transportation equity, universal pre-K, and mental health and addiction. Fellows will commit to one year of employment within their specific office, serving under the supervision of dedicated career staff.
At the end of the fellowship, they will be considered for long-term employment by the host department. The Governor’s Office and the State Civil Service Commission will provide mentorship and networking opportunities to Fellows throughout their tenure.
Allison Chris Myers, New Jersey Civil Service Commission Acting Chair & Chief Executive Officer, said, “This program is a great opportunity for people to learn the ins and outs of New Jersey state government and explore all that a career in public service has to offer. I encourage all who are eligible and interested in this program to apply, as they will gain a wealth of invaluable experience and knowledge in a field of their interest, as well as direct access to mentorship and networking opportunities from the Governor’s Office.”
Applications for the Governor’s Fellows Program open on April 24, 2023, with a deadline of May 12, 2023. Interviews will be held throughout the summer, and the expected start date is September 2023.
Click here for a list of the departments hiring Governor’s Fellows and for more information on how to apply.