News Tip

Holiday Giving Campaign in Rockaway Township a Success

Challenges brought on during the past few years by the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy have led to a greater degree of need among local families, especially as the holidays approached.

In response, the Rockaway Township Division of Health, partnering with Mayor Joe Jackson, created a holiday season food and gift card campaign to mitigate some of the financial burden facing local families.

The holiday giving campaign was coordinated by the Division of Health’s Local Health Outreach Coordinator, Brittany Bernstein, and Infectious Disease Preparedness Generalist, Marina Garcia. Rockaway Township worked with the Holiday Wishes program, managed by Brenda Budd Dunn, to distribute donated goods to underserved families of Rockaway Township and Rockaway Borough.

Donations were collected for one month, with the goal of raising $1,000 and collecting 100 pounds of non-perishable food.

Thanks to the generosity of our community, 350 pounds of food and $1,850 in gift card/check donations were collected.

The Faith Family Fellowship and Rockaway Township Police Athletic League (RTPAL) made particularly large donations. Mayor Jackson and the Division of Health wish to thank those who donated.

Thanks are also due to Brenda Budd Dunn and the Holiday Wishes program volunteers for their hard work and dedication to residents of the Rockaways.

Learn about more ways to donate!

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