Statement from Governor Murphy on the Death of NJ Aid Worker Pete Reed in Ukraine
“Tammy and I are deeply saddened by the tragic news of the death of Pete Reed, a humanitarian worker and U.S. Marine Corps veteran, who was killed while aiding the evacuation of Ukrainian civilians. A Bordentown native, Pete dedicated his life to service, both founding and working for organizations that help people in need throughout the world. Pete will be remembered for the depth of his courage and his compassion, his selflessness, and his sacrifice. His death serves as a devastating reminder of the catastrophic suffering that this unjustified war has caused. New Jersey will continue to stand on the side of the Ukrainian people in their valiant effort to fight back against Russia’s brutal invasion. I can speak on behalf of our entire state to say that our hearts are heavy today. Tammy and I send our deepest condolences to Pete’s family and friends, fellow medical aid workers and veterans, and community.”