Public Notices and Press Releases

Mendham Township Recreation Committee Works on Mosle Field Improvement Project

The Mendham Township Recreation Committee invites community input on the Mosle Field improvement project, which includes plans to improve lighting and explore the use of green energy sources.

Mendham Township’s Recreation Committee has been working with engineers for the past few years to improve the safety of Mosle Field. At their January meeting, the committee presented a set of recommendations that included replacing portable diesel fueled lights with 90-degree downstream lights in the parking lot and field, and exploring the use of green energy sources.

To address community concerns, the committee invited neighbors to a meeting on Thursday, February 9, 2023. This feedback session helped guide the committee in developing additional recommendations to alleviate community concerns about the proposed lighting improvement project.

The Mendham Township Recreation Committee is hosting another listening session on Monday, February 20, at 3:00 PM at the Brookside Community Club, located at 1 East Main Street, Brookside. This meeting will update the community on the status of the project and continue to solicit feedback from residents. Deputy Mayor Sarah Neibart and Township Committeewoman Lauren Spirig, both of whom are liaisons from the Township Committee, plan to attend the meeting.

According to the Recreation Director, David Guida, documents related to the project, as well as the current proposal, can be found on the township's website. A community survey will also be forthcoming.

Residents who plan to attend the February 20th meeting are requested to RSVP to the Recreation Director, David Guida, by calling 551-296-9570 or emailing Anyone with questions ahead of the meeting is also encouraged to reach out.

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