
NJ Department of Environmental Protection Launches Statewide Campaign to Keep Residents Safe from Black Bears

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has launched a statewide black bear safety outreach campaign to educate residents on ways to reduce the potential for dangerous encounters with these animals. The campaign will provide bear safety tips through social media, TV streaming services, radio broadcasts, and email blasts in English and Spanish, and will include animated GIFs, short video clips, and graphics. The campaign will run from March 15 to November 15, coinciding with peak periods of bear activity. The DEP is reminding residents to properly secure their property by removing any potential food sources and to avoid feeding bears. Intentionally feeding bears is illegal in New Jersey and carries a fine of up to $1,000. The DEP's outreach campaign will focus on property owners in the first phase and outdoor recreationists in bear country in the second phase starting in June.

More information can be found here.

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