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Acting Governor Way Signs Multiple Bills into Law, Addressing Energy, Legal Representation, and Infrastructure

Five pieces of legislation focusing on diverse aspects ranging from solar power deadlines to road construction materials receive the Governor's approval on September 12.

In a legislative move that impacts various sectors in New Jersey, Acting Governor Way enacted a quintet of bills yesterday. These new laws address issues related to energy, legal representation, financial transparency, and road construction.

Energy and Utility Upgrades

S-3092/A-4793, sponsored by Smith and Codey in the Senate and Benson and Danielsen in the Assembly, authorizes the installation and operation of meter collar adapters on residential electric meters, but only under specified conditions. This aims to modernize residential energy systems and enhance metering accuracy.

Legal Representation for Parole Revocation

The law identified as S-3772/A-5671, presented by Pou in the Senate and Atkins, Mukherji, and Wimberly in the Assembly, mandates the Office of the Public Defender to provide legal representation at parole revocation proceedings. This law aims to ensure fair legal processes for parolees.

Extending Deadlines for Solar Projects

A-4089/S-2732, brought forth by DeAngelo, Benson, and Karabinchak in the Assembly and Scutari and Smith in the Senate, extends the deadlines for the completion and commercial operation of certain solar electric power generation facilities under specific circumstances. This is seen as a boost for the renewable energy sector.

State Financial Transparency

A-4090/S-1884, introduced by Freiman, Pintor Marin, and Karabinchak in the Assembly and Sarlo and Oroho in the Senate, compels the State Auditor to annually publish a user-friendly report that summarizes and analyzes the contents of the State's Annual Financial Report. This legislation is aimed at enhancing transparency in public finances.

Road Construction Materials

Lastly, A-4797/S-3255, proposed by Karabinchak, Benson, and Verrelli in the Assembly and Diegnan and Oroho in the Senate, concerns the percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement and recycled materials that can be used in certain road projects. This law promotes the use of sustainable materials in infrastructure development.

The signed legislation reflects the Acting Governor's commitment to address diverse issues affecting New Jersey residents, from energy conservation and legal fairness to financial transparency and sustainable development.

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