Public Notices and Press Releases

Morris County Seeks Public Insight on Lenape Island Bridge Project

Officials Launch Local Concept Development Study to Enhance Denville's Historic Bridge, Inviting Resident Participation.

The Morris County administration, in partnership with regional and state transportation authorities, has initiated a comprehensive Local Concept Development (LCD) study for the Lenape Island Bridge, seeking public feedback to guide potential rehabilitation or replacement strategies.

Morristown, NJ – A pivotal study concerning the future of Lenape Island Bridge in Denville Township has been set in motion by Morris County, the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), and the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT). This study marks a collaborative effort to determine the fate of the vital structure that has linked Lenape Island residents to the mainland since 1966.

Commissioner Deborah Smith, a Denville Township inhabitant for over three decades, emphasized the project's reliance on community engagement. 

"This study will review options for replacing or rehabilitating the bridge, which was built in 1966 and provides the only access to and from Lenape Island on Indian Lake, which has 30 residences. Community involvement and public outreach are an integral part of the study," Smith stated.

Public interaction is slated to play a decisive role in the early stages of this federally funded project. Interested parties will be welcomed to partake in the dialogue, presenting inquiries, and contributing feedback critical for the study's advancement through its four-phase development process mandated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

A public input survey is central to this opening phase, collecting data on communal interests and concerns about the bridge's future. The Michael Baker Team, comprising several consultancy firms including Michael Baker International, Inc., will oversee the study, which aims to reach completion by June 30, 2025.

With the analysis of current conditions and the development of a Purpose and Need Statement, the study will conduct an Alternatives Analysis and suggest a Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA) for the bridge. This recommendation will lay the groundwork for subsequent design and construction phases.

Denville Township, the Indian Lake Community Club, and the county's residents will be instrumental in steering the direction of the bridge improvement project. Meghan Paccione, Morris County Project Manager and Principal Engineer - Bridges, invites community members to stay informed and involved through the study's contact page for forthcoming public meetings and updates.

Residents who wish to contribute to the future of the Lenape Island Bridge, or who have queries regarding the study, should reach out to Meghan Paccione at 973-829-8623 or via email at

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