Temporary Political Signs Regulations
From the Township of Randolph, NJ -
Please follow these Political Sign Regulations by Zone
Temporary political signs, and signs not related to a political campaign, but containing political expressions, may be erected for a period of sixty (60) days. Campaign signs shall be removed within fifteen (15) days after the election. Political signs in residential zones shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet, the dimension shall not exceed four (4) feet on any side and they shall not exceed the height limitation for residential zones. Political signs in all other zones shall not exceed the maximum size and height limitation for the zone in which they are placed.
Signs in the B-1 and PRD Zones.
1. (32) square feet
Signs in the B-2 Zone.
100 feet per sign face and sixteen (16) feet in height where the front of the commercial use faces Route 10. For commercial uses in this zone facing other roadways, the freestanding or ground sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet per sign face or twelve (12) feet in height.
Signs in the B-3 Zone.
The height of the freestanding sign shall not exceed twenty-two (22) feet.
The area of the sign shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet.
Signs in the B-4 District.
40 square feet however, where a general commercial use fronts on Route 10, the area of the freestanding or ground sign shall be limited 80 square feet
The height of any such sign exceed 12 feet, unless said sign is on Route 10 in which case the height of the freestanding sign shall be limited to 16 feet.
Signs in the I-1 and OL [Districts].
No freestanding or pylon sign shall exceed a height of 16 feet, an area of 75 square feet per sign face, or width of 20 feet.
Signs in the PO/R District.
32 square feet in area and eight feet in height. For lots fronting on Route 10, each lot may erect one freestanding sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and 15 feet in height, provided that the permitted total wall sign area is reduced to five percent of the building facade.
Signs in the VCC and SS/VO Districts.
24 square feet and eight feet in height . Where a group of businesses are developed together and have a lot frontage of 300 feet or more, the freestanding ground sign may be increased to 32 square feet.