

The Morris Plains Board of Health and Morris County Division of Public Health has issued a public health advisory for rabies after a skunk recently tested positive for rabies in the Borough.

Skunks are common carriers of rabies. Rabies is a potentially deadly disease caused by a virus. The virus is found in the saliva of rabid animals and is transmitted by bites, scratches, or possibly by contamination of open cuts or eyes with saliva from an animal infected with rabies. Common carriers of the virus are raccoons, skunks, foxes, woodchucks, bats, and feral (stray) unvaccinated cats.

Once an animal becomes infected with rabies, it may display aggressive behavior, may appear to be drunk or injured, and/or have trouble walking. Rabid animals may attempt to bite or attack people and domestic animals. Other signs of rabies infection include disorientation, loss of appetite, excessive irritability, unusual vocalization, abnormal behavior, restlessness, jumping at noises, excessive salivation, tremors, convulsions, or paralysis. However, some rabid animals do not display any signs of illness.

Residents are advised of the following:

- Do not approach wildlife, particularly animals which may appear to be acting strangely or ill. If you observe such an animal, immediately contact the Morris Plains Borough Police Department at 973-538-2284.

- Do not feed wildlife and do not leave pet food outdoors for extended periods. Immediately clean-up any spills from exterior bird feeders.

- Do not allow your pets to have contact with wildlife.

- Ensure that garbage which is stored outdoors is inaccessible to wildlife. Use tight-fitting lids on garbage cans containing food waste and whenever possible, keep such garbage indoors until collection day.

- Ensure that your cat or dog is properly vaccinated and up to date on its rabies vaccination.

- Residents who have any pets that have been left outside unsupervised should seek veterinary attention for any new injuries of unknown origin.

- If you are injured (bites, scratches, or other injuries) by a wild or feral animal, thoroughly wash the injury with soap and water immediately. Seek medical attention immediately and contact the Morris County Division of Public Health at (973) 631-5488. After business hours, contact the Morris Plains Borough Police Department at 973-538-2284.

- If your pet is injured or has exposure to a wild or feral animal, seek veterinary care immediately even if your pet is up to date on its rabies immunization contact the Morris Plains Borough Police Department at 973-538-2284.

- If you observe a bat inside your residence, immediately contact the Morris Plains Borough Police Department at 973-538-2284.

For more information, please contact the Morris County Division of Public Health at 973- 631-5488.

Additional information on rabies may also be found at the following webpage:

For information on where to obtain a free rabies immunization for your pet, visit the following webpage:

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