

From the Morristown Police Department -Β 
Leaving outdoor lights on at night can be a simple but effective crime prevention strategy. Here’s why it can help and some tips for implementing it:

Deterrence: Well-lit areas are less attractive to potential criminals because they increase the risk of being seen. Good lighting can make a property less appealing for criminal activities.

Visibility: Lights can help neighbors and passersby notice suspicious behavior or identify intruders. It’s harder for someone to hide in well-lit areas.

Safety: Lighting can also prevent accidents, like tripping over steps or paths, and can make the environment feel safer for you and your family.

Tips for Effective Outdoor Lighting:

Use Motion Sensors: Motion-activated lights can be more energy-efficient and provide the same deterrent effect without leaving lights on all night.

Install Timers: Timers can help you automate your lighting system, ensuring lights are on during the hours when you’re most likely to need them.

Focus on Entry Points: Ensure that areas like doors, windows, and driveways are well-lit.

Consider Lighting Quality: Bright, consistent lighting is better than dim or flickering lights. High-quality, well-positioned lights can cover larger areas effectively.

Neighbors: Coordinate with neighbors for a coordinated lighting strategy. A well-lit neighborhood can be even more effective.

While outdoor lighting is a useful measure, combining it with other security measures, such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and neighborhood vigilance, will enhance overall safety.

Most importantly, if you see something, dial 911 immediately!

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