Public Notices and Press Releases

State Medical Board Revokes License of Cedar Grove Doctor Over Alleged Risky Aesthetic Practices

Dr. Muhammad Mirza's medical license permanently revoked after allegations of gross negligence and healthcare fraud.

NEW JERSEYDr. Muhammad A. Mirza, a board-certified internist from Cedar Grove, has had his medical license permanently revoked following a series of alarming allegations regarding his aesthetic medicine practice. On September 17, 2024, New Jersey’s State Board of Medical Examiners reached a final decision to revoke Mirza's license, a consequence of his alleged inadequate training, substandard patient care, and involvement in a multimillion-dollar healthcare fraud scheme.

Mirza’s practice, known as “Mirza Aesthetics,” spanned multiple states, including New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. He reportedly traveled between rented office spaces, carrying medical products in duffle bags and performing invasive procedures on up to 30 patients a day. The State alleged that his actions posed serious risks to public safety due to his lack of proper medical training in aesthetic procedures, poor sanitation practices, and improper use of medical equipment.

The Division of Consumer Affairs launched an investigation in April 2021 after receiving multiple complaints from patients. Among the numerous allegations, Mirza was accused of using unapproved dermal fillers in off-label procedures, including penile injections that led to permanent harm and hospitalization. Additionally, Mirza allegedly injected fillers dangerously close to patients' eyes, a practice that can result in blindness, and administered breast fillers that could interfere with mammograms.

Inspectors found that Mirza’s offices lacked basic medical equipment, including proper refrigeration for temperature-sensitive materials. In one case, Mirza used a “small storage closet” as a treatment area, and his injectable products were stored in duffle bags rather than medical-grade refrigerators.

Patient complaints also included reports of high-pressure sales tactics, lack of transparency regarding the products used, and failure to respond to post-procedure complications, such as lumps and seizures. Investigators noted that Mirza frequently ignored standard safety protocols, often neglecting to wear gloves or a mask while performing procedures.

The Board had temporarily suspended Mirza’s license in October 2021, but the case was delayed due to unrelated criminal charges filed against him. In June 2022, Mirza pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud as part of a scheme to defraud Amtrak’s health benefits program. He was sentenced to 26 months in prison and ordered to pay $1.37 million in restitution.

The revocation of this doctor’s medical license sends a clear message that we will not allow doctors to take advantage of patients’ desires to look and feel better about themselves by subjecting them to medically inappropriate procedures that expose them to the risk of grave harm and permanent disfigurement,” said Attorney General Platkin.Public safety demands that cosmetic procedures be performed in a safe and appropriate manner by properly trained professionals who put patient health and safety above all else. Professionals who deviate from these standards face serious consequences.”

Under the terms of the Final Consent Order, Mirza's license was revoked with prejudice, permanently barring him from practicing medicine or providing any healthcare services in New Jersey. He is also prohibited from entering his former offices during business hours or receiving any financial benefit from healthcare activities. Additionally, Mirza is banned from serving as an expert witness or consultant in the state.

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin commended the Division of Consumer Affairs for its diligent investigation, which uncovered a pattern of gross negligence and endangerment to patients. Deputy Attorney General Daniel Evan Leef Hewitt, under the supervision of Professional Boards Prosecution Section Chief Doreen Hafner, represented the State in the proceedings.

New Jersey residents who believe they have been mistreated by a healthcare professional can file a complaint with the State Division of Consumer Affairs by calling 1-800-242-5846 or visiting their website.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring that medical professionals adhere to the highest standards of care and safety, particularly in high-risk specialties like aesthetic medicine.

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