Public Notices and Press Releases

Attention SNAP & WFNJ Recipients: Act Now to Replace Stolen Benefits

Attention SNAP & WFNJ Recipients: Act Now to Replace Stolen Benefits

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) clients can request replacement for benefits that were stolen electronically between September 1, 2023 and December 20, 2024. Any benefits stolen on or after December 21, 2024 are not eligible for replacement, as a result of a change in the federal budget.

If you think your benefits were stolen electronically between September 1, 2023 and December 20, 2024, you must complete and return a Request for Replacement Form within 30 days of discovering your benefits were stolen. In addition, you must immediately re-PIN or replace your Families First Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card.

The form is available below for you to complete and submit online at You also can print it to mail or drop off in-person to your County Social Service Agency. Additionally, you can call your County Social Service Agency and complete the form over the phone.

To keep your benefits safer, new features are coming soon that will allow you to lock your Families First card when you are not using it and receive alerts for your account for transactions or changes to your account. Keep checking for updates about the new features.

In the meantime, to offer some protection, change your PIN at least once a month. The best time to change it is right before your benefits are deposited. You can change your PIN online at or using the ConnectEBT app.

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