Public Notices and Press Releases

Morris County Kicks Off 10th Year of Recreational Trail Grants Program

Feb. 19, 2025: Workshop / April 4, 2025: Deadline for Letters of Intent / June 6, 2025: Application Deadline

More than $1 million in grants for recreational trails is available to Morris County’s 39 municipalities through the 2025 Morris County Trail Construction Grant Program, which opened its tenth annual application process today.

An Application Workshop will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, from 10 a.m. to noon to review the program and application process. The workshop will take place at the Morris County Park Commission Cultural Center at 300 Mendham Road in Morris Township and virtually via Webex. Please register to attend using the Registration Form.

This program proved its value when the pandemic hit in 2020, with trail use surging 200% nationwide and quadrupling in Morris County. The trails are a refuge for anyone seeking fresh air, exercise and a mental escape, and are a key part of Morris County’s quality of life,” said Deputy Director Stephen H. Shaw, commissioner liaison to the Office of Planning & Preservation.We are pleased to announce the opening of this year’s grant application process to expand this highly popular program.”

Since 2016, Morris County has awarded more than $6.5 million to build and enhance a growing network of local trails, after voters overwhelmingly approved dedicating a portion of the Morris County Preservation Trust Fund annually toward recreational trail development. Recreational facility use -- especially trails -- remains above pre-pandemic levels.

The 2025 program “Rules & Regulations” feature a revised layout and structure to improve clarity and application requirements.

Key rule changes for 2025 include:

  • Design & Permitting Grants now have a three-year performance period, with one possible six-month extension.
  • Construction Grants remain at a two-year performance period, with up to two six-month extensions.
  • The Program Schedule has been updated to cover all aspects of the program.
  • Interim reviews for Design & Permitting Grants now include a 100% completion review.
  • Updates to the reimbursement process, including new forms.

For complete program rules, visit the Morris County Trail Construction Grant Program Rules & Regulations.

The Trail Construction Grant Program helps municipalities expand their trail systems through design and construction grants. Thus far, 56% of Morris County municipalities have been awarded 61 grants totaling $6.5 million, which will result in 31 miles of trails for residents to enjoy. Many first apply for a design grant to develop plans while identifying costs and potential issues before seeking construction funding. Overall, the program has been successful, with 77% of municipalities having participated,” said Betty Cass-Schmidt, chair of the Trail Construction Grant Advisory Committee.

The program application format and submission requirements have been updated, with separate applications required for each funding category. Applicants should carefully review all submission requirements.

Submission process

  1. Register and attend the workshop (required for applicants) on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.
  2. Schedule and attend a Mandatory Pre-Application Meeting before Friday, March 21, 2025.
  3. Submit a Letter of Intent by 12 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025.
  4. Submit your project’s completed application by 12 p.m. on Friday, June 6, 2025.

Municipalities that currently have an “Open” Design & Permitting Grant, and wish to apply for a 2025 Construction Grant, must complete the following steps to be eligible.

  • Submit 90-100% bid documents for technical review and comment by 12 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2025.
  • Submit a Letter of Intent by 12 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025.
  • Submit final electronic documents -- including plan sets, bid specifications, all in-hand permits, and a construction cost estimate – to the Morris County Park Commission by 12 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2025.
  • Obtain program approval to submit a Construction Grant application by Friday, May 9, 2025.
  • Submit a complete Construction Grant application by 12 p.m. on Friday, June 6, 2025.

Grant awards are expected to be announced before the end of the year. Application materials and other resources are available on the Official Website of Morris County, N.J.

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