Public Notices and Press Releases

Borough of Madison Appeals Ruling to Drew University's Challenge of Madison's Housing Settlement

From the Borough of Madison

The Borough of Madison reaffirms its commitment to responsible governance and transparency in matters affecting our community. In light of recent legal developments, we have issued the following statement:

"On February 14, Judge Hansbury released his ruling on Drew University’s challenge of Madison’s housing settlement. After careful review, the borough has filed an appeal, citing multiple concerns. While the legal process continues, we remain open to settlement discussions with Drew University.

From the start, Madison has viewed affordable housing as a moral responsibility, not just a legal obligation. We remain committed to preserving the Drew Forest—a vital natural resource for Madison and surrounding communities—while also ensuring the development of affordable housing, in a way that best serves the taxpayers of Madison.

As this is an ongoing legal matter, we will not be providing further comment at this time."

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