Public Notices and Press Releases

Joint Statement on Locomotive Engineers’ Contract

NJ TRANSIT President & CEO Kris Kolluri and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen (BLET) General Chairman Thomas Haas have issued the joint statement below:

We are pleased to announce a fair and fiscally responsible contract settlement that ensures value for our taxpayers and customers, and provides a reasonable wage increase for BLET members. Apart from the contract settlement, we have resolved a long-standing grievance and settled another outstanding dispute between the parties in a manner that benefits both parties, paving the way for the introduction of new technology that enhances efficiencies at NJ TRANSIT and supports our workforce. We believe this agreement not only reflects NJ TRANSIT’s commitment to fairness, efficiency, innovation, and long-term financial sustainability – but it ensures uninterrupted rail service for the 100,000 people who depend on it.”

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