Public Notices and Press Releases

Montville Township Hydrant Flushing will begin on March 24th

The Montville Township Hydrant Flushing will begin on March 24th.
Monday through Friday between the hours of 9AM and 2PM; also Monday & Thursday between the hours of 8PM and 12AM. (see street list on WEBPAGE for progress)

The Annual Hydrant Flushing takes place yearly to remove accumulated sediment from our water mains.


Flushing is scheduled to start on March 24, 2025 and will take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9am and 2pm, and Monday and Thursday between the hours of 8pm-12am. Please click here for additional information about the program.

Flushing Areas

(To Be Updated During Flushing)

We have divided the Township into 5 areas based on which water tank feeds the area. Please refer to the Hydrant Flushing Area Map (PDF) to determine which area you are in. Multiple areas may be flushed at the same time, but generally are flushed in the following order: pink, yellow, blue, green, then dark red. Please monitor the STREET LIST to follow our progress. The rate of progress will be directly affected by the flushing conditions found as our team moves through the Township.

Please keep in mind that discolored water could occur in your home or business at any time during the flushing period but more likely when we flush the water mains in your neighborhood. The STREET LIST will be updated periodically to show streets that have been completed.

Note: Schools and restaurants will be notified in advance of flushing in their area.

Discolored / Cloudy Water

This process could result in discolored / cloudy water or low pressure during and immediately following the daily flushing. If you experience discolored water, open the cold-water faucets on the lowest floor of the house and allow the water to run until it clears (usually within 30 minutes). If it persists, call the Water and Sewer office at 973-331-3330.

Discolored or cloudy water is safe to consume, but not desirable for use. We strongly recommend that water softeners be bypassed during the day throughout the flushing period and that you refrain from doing laundry and using water for drinking and cooking from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.

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