Public Notices and Press Releases

16-Year Sentence for Violent Crime Spree Including Carjackings and Armed Robbery

Federal Court in Trenton Delivers Harsh Penalty for Multiple Violent Crimes and Firearms Offenses

TRENTON, N.J. – Today, Joshua M. Perez, 25, was sentenced in a federal court in Trenton to 192 months in prison after his guilty plea on a series of serious charges including carjackings, armed robberies, and firearms offenses. The sentence, handed down by U.S. District Judge Georgette Castner, follows Perez's acknowledgment of his crimes through a plea to a five-count Superseding Information, which detailed his extensive criminal activities.

The criminal acts committed by Perez and his accomplices spanned several incidents. On October 10, 2020, Perez along with unidentified accomplices, executed two carjackings in Trenton. The victims were threatened with handguns and robbed of personal belongings including money, cell phones, and a vehicle as they exited their car.

Another carjacking by Perez occurred on December 5, 2020, where he, along with another conspirator, threatened a victim with handguns, taking his belongings and vehicle while the victim was parked. This stolen vehicle was later used in an armed robbery of a nearby gas station where Perez and his accomplices conducted a violent robbery, assaulting and robbing victims at gunpoint.

The spree of violence culminated on December 7, 2020, when law enforcement officers executed a search warrant at Perez's residence, leading to an armed confrontation with Perez, who pointed a firearm at officers before being arrested.

In addition to his prison term, Judge Castner ordered Perez to three years of supervised release and mandated restitution to the victims of his crimes. This case was supported by collaborative efforts from the ATF's Newark Field Division and the Trenton Police Department, highlighting the significance of inter-agency cooperation in addressing violent crime. U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger's office, through Assistant U.S. Attorneys Alexander E. Ramey and Ashley Super Pitts, led the prosecution, ensuring a strong response to violent crimes in the community.

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