
Chatham Twp: Colony Tennis Courts Improvement Project Begins Today!

From the Township of Chatham -

"We're excited to announce that work has officially begun on the Colony Tennis Courts Improvement Project. This initiative, following the adoption of Resolution 2023-148 on June 27, 2023, represents the Township's commitment to continuously enhancing our recreational facilities for residents of all ages.

Project Details:

Contractor: Straight Edge Striping

Scope of Work: The improvements involve crack repair, fresh color coating, and striping across all six tennis courts.

Project Duration: Beginning today, August 10, 2023, the project is estimated to last approximately 15 days, weather permitting.

Budget: The project is budgeted at $161,820 and is funded through the Township's Open Space Fund.

We understand the value our community places on these courts and appreciate your patience during this period. There may be temporary disruptions to play. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. Straight Edge Striping is dedicated to minimizing disturbances; hence, some courts will remain accessible for use during the construction period.

Upon completion, the enhanced tennis courts will serve our community for many years to come. They will not only benefit our avid tennis enthusiasts, both young and old, but also members of the high school tennis team who train and compete with unwavering spirit.

This investment underscores our ongoing commitment to reinvesting your tax dollars wisely and efficiently. Our goal is to improve the quality of life in Chatham Township by offering top-notch recreational facilities.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Together, we're making Chatham Township an even better place to live, work, and play!"

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